Tyler James Steen artwork

Tyler James Steen - a Way to Remember . . .

Tyler Steen artwork

Tyler James Steen
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Two years seems like ten

It's only been two years since we lost a vital organ in the physical and emotional body of our immediate family.

Important dates go by holidays, birthdays, and graduations when my mind wanders to Tyler and what it would be like to still have the joy of his presence. What jokes would he have told, what new experiences in his life would he have described, but most importantly I miss those wonderful hugs and reassuring smiles.

Our family still grieves for Tyler like an amputated limb that still aches.

In this holiday season our hearts will become full again as we will view the photos, videos and momentos that Tyler left behind and be grateful that he enriched our lives now and forever.


"What we have enjoyed
we can never lose ...
All that we love deeply
becomes a part of us"
--- Helen Keller  


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