Know that we are with you in spirit and here is my entry into your special book.
Tyler was a special person - this I saw every time I was with him and that was often with all the Boy Scout gatherings we had over many years. Mature beyond his years, he never seemed to be a boy to me but a man in a boy's body. He was calm, intelligent and enjoyed interacting with everyone around him, especially adults. He gave us adults the window into what the other boys were up to. I have many full memories of him and watch him walking and talking through each and every one. I will share one which was took all of us adults quite by surprise! After years of incredible outings, it was time to award a few of the boys with advanced rankings, 'the three muskateers,' in particular. My son was turned down (he was one of the three) as he had not shown enough leadership skills - He was very hurt by this when they called the names and he was not called. The Boy Scout leaders did not recognize my Thomas for what he was - a poet and a thinker. He would never be able to show leadership but there was no flexibility. At the same time, Thomas was a follower and he followed Tyler and his buddies, the Leighton twins. They never cared about completing tasks and moving ahead in the scouts towards becoming Eagles.
Much to my dismay that day, Tyler,et al, (and now Thomas!) asked to speak in front of the crowd and boy, did they speak! There we all were, sitting in the woods, on stumps and in camp chairs, at a campsite, nice and cozy....about to be slammed out of nowhere! They said they were quitting and why and I was shocked! It came out of nowhere!
I also worked with Tyler at the Deja Vu antique shop when he borrowed my brand new camera and enjoyed taking photos. I can still see his hands gently working with that camera - he took great care of it and respected it. He photographed smaller antiques that we posted on-line to sell. We set up sheets and lighting in my basement to ...get the best pictures and tried different things to improve his photographs. Tyler had a lot of fun with this creative work. There wasn't a whole lot of money to be made in the depressed antique market but as soon as Esther and I got money from on-line sales, I made sure that Tyler got paid first and as much as possible! I wanted to reward his hard work and he was very pleased.
You left us much too soon, Tyler. It seems like God takes the best ones when the rest of us here on Earth least expect it. They say God picks the best flowers for his garden and that's just what he did. Thomas and I love you Tyler and we will never forget you. Thanks for including Thomas in your rebellious speech and demonstration that day you all quit Boy Scouts! At least he belonged to you when he no longer belonged to them. Much love and peace...
Stephanie Trolle, July 17, 5:39 a.m., Ridgefield, Connecticut
"What we have enjoyed we can never lose ... All that we love deeply
becomes a part of us" --- Helen Keller
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