Tyler James Steen artwork

Tyler James Steen - a Way to Remember . . .

Tyler Steen artwork

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Judith E. Marciano memorial message via Facebook

Judith E. Marciano memorial message via Facebook
Judith E. Marciano posted a message to Tom Steen's Facebook wall on June 10, 2010

Hey Tom, Hope all is well with you.... here i am celebrating my 25th birthday, and all i could do today at Squadron was flash back to my 21st, when i had the best employees/friends ever. Tyler and Rachel were just so good to me. They went out to the Little Silver Shop and got me the prettiest necklace and earring set, and Tyler snuck around and got all of the kids at Squadron YMCA to sign this big canvas for my birthday. it was the kindest thing two employees have ever done for me, it meant alot and was very special. If Tyler were here today, I would have called him and thanked him again for all that he did, but because I cant, I wanted to tell it to the next best. thank you :) Tyler was so special and I know that you know that already, but I wanted you to hear from me how special he really was.

Tom's response:
Thank you Judy. Kindness is/was his legacy and your memory proves it. These types of messages are so healing to all of us. Thank you and God Bless.


"What we have enjoyed
we can never lose ...
All that we love deeply
becomes a part of us"
--- Helen Keller  


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