Templates Category: --ALL-- Commerce Feedback General List Other
Custom Form Feedback This is an advanced template that allows you to specify which fields are used to submit values. Include input tags in your html, but no form tag. You can also sign users up for a mailing list. NOTE: To have the values be placed into a mailing list, use either default field names such as FirstName, Name, or User0, User1, etc. To make a specific text input field "required", add the parameter id="required" to the html. - Click for Documentation on This Template
FAQ List FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. This is a list page that is particularly useful for long pages of topics. It shows a list of the questions at the top with links to each answer. - Click for Documentation on This Template
General An RSS feed is like a newswire service provided by many large websites. You can use this template to automatically load and display the information if you know the url (path) to the RSS XML file. - Click for Documentation on This Template
Slide Show General This template is used to show a series of images as a slide show. It can have a text description at the start, and shows each image as a thumbnail down the right side of the page or in a grid at the bottom of the page. Next and Previous buttons cycle through the images. - Click for Documentation on This Template